Su was very aware that a large gathering was not going to be possible at her funeral. In fact, she was very anxious that the event was not the cause of further spread of COVID-19.
We have arranged to live stream the service so that the many people from far and wide (particularly those who would require refreshments before returning home) will be able to attend virtually.
In lieu of flowers, contributions to the MND Association would be appreciated.
Donate to the MND Association with fund name Su Summers
Monday 14 September
The funeral will be held entirely outdoors in the churchyard.
10:30 – Live stream starts, log on early.
10:45 – Procession from the house via the Village Hall.
11:00 – Service in the churchyard.
If you are coming to the churchyard:
The coffin will process along The Street from the Village Hall starting at about 10:45 entering the churchyard from the playing field. Please leave plenty of room for the procession to pass.
Before the coffin reaches the graveyard please will those without any specific role please keep out of the church yard. Once in the churchyard we'd like people to keep outside the fence or standing behind the designated row of graves.
Once the service is over Ian will endeavour to go to the top of the graveyard by the kissing gate so that he can thank people for coming.
We need to get the Village Hall chairs back to the Village Hall so if you are able it would be much appreciated if you can take back a couple and leave them on the grass beside the road. Thanks.
AT ALL TIMES please observe a sensible distance between yourselves and other household groups.